Downsizing is very common, especially as we get older. You may find your home is far too big now or too much to handle financially and practically.
However, downsizing can be difficult especially if it’s a family home. Also having to sort through belongs and make some hard decisions on what you’re able to take to the smaller property.
At Day Morris, our experience in selling and buying properties allows us to ease our clients and help them find the perfect new home.
Where to Live
Make sure you take the time to consider where you wish to move to. What type of location is more important to you? Do you want a quieter area? Do you want to stay local to family and friends?
Day Morris is considered one of the most recognised and respected brand names in Hampstead, Highgate, and surrounding areas. This indicates we are very knowledgeable with these areas and are guaranteed to find you a home suitable for your needs.
However, if you choose to live outside these areas be sure to visit the area and check that it fits the lifestyle you desire. Communicate to your family if you plan to live nearer to them. The last thing you want is for you to move closer to them just for them to leave in a couple years.
Preparing to Downsize
Your belongings have been gathered over years of memories and experiences, don’t rush the sorting process.
As you go through your home, a labelling system could help. You can use different colours to mean whether your selling, keeping, giving away or throwing.
If you’re downsizing from a 3-4 bedroom to 1 -2-bedroom, space will be limited. Sell any excess furniture and get rid of anything you know you won’t use any more. In terms of sentimental things such as photos, you can give these to family members who have more space. For example, your daughter or son, if they have kids of their own maybe they would like to see these photos of their parent’s memories and lives as kids.
You can rent out storage spaces as well to keep hold of these things if no one else can take them.
If you need help selling your property here is our guide on how to go about it.
Downsizing can be stressful however with these tips you can gain more control of the process and do it at your own pace.
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